Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Introducing My First Garden: Apartment Gardening in Containers made Possible

Welcome to My First Garden

Take a look around:

The garden is growing nicely and is really enjoying the hot Chico, California weather. I have planted the typical summer vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, melons, strawberries and cucumbers. I also have some cool weather crops in my garden because when I decided to start the garden I didn't really know what seeds to start, so I just picked out veggies I wanted to grow: kale, swish chard, and broccoli. Join me in my gardening adventures! These pictures were taken about a month ago:

I can't believe how big it has gotten since I have taken those previous pictures. Look at it now (picture taken June 16th):

This is my first garden and these are my experiences. I'm Emily Marie follow me as a beginner learns about growing a home garden. My goal is to be able to grow enough food for my and my boyfriend, so we can eat fresh local organic veggies instead of produce bought from the supermarket. I want to live a healthy lifestyle, help the environment, and eventually become urban suburban survivalist (until I get my own farm land).

I live in an apartment, so the space is limited. This blog will be especially helpful to people who will be growing gardens in small spaces and container gardening.


  1. How big is your garden now?? Planning my first garden. Saludos

    1. I currently have a 15x15 plot at a local community garden.
      Square foot gardening and seed packets I've helpful advice to how far apart you should plant things. I've always ending up planting things to close together. It's a learning process. Enjoy planning and planting your first garden!
